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Establish a concrete short / medium / long term action plan


Validate the achievement of your objectives


Secure the profitability and successful implementation of your projects

For one or more industrial sites, Lemon Energy offers solutions adapted to all your energy efficiency needs. We offer turnkey support from the audit to the monitoring of the impact of the projects.

Energy strategy

Through a holistic approach in collaboration with your field teams, define measurable objectives to reduce your energy consumption and environmental footprint in the short / medium / long term.


Lemon Energy meets the requirements of the OPQIBI qualification for the analysis of the energy performance of industrial processes (1717), which is necessary to carry out the regulatory energy audit.

Nous proposons des degrés d’analyse progressifs pour définir avec vous un plan d’action concret et ambitieux dans le respect des réglementations :

Audit énergétique réglementaire

Audit avancé des procédés industriels

Etude d’opportunité autonomie énergétique

ISO 50 001 – Management de l’énergie

Formation des référents énergie


Lemon Energy est un organisme de formation certifié Qualiopi (N° 2021/95620.1).

Nos formations sont ouvertes aux personnes en situation de handicap pour lesquelles nous apporterons une réponse personnalisée via des modalités de compensation spécifiques.

Les inscriptions doivent se faire dans un délai de deux mois avant la date de la formation.

Par ailleurs, Lemon Energy a été sélectionnée par l’ADEME pour accompagner les industriels dans leur démarche d’optimisation énergétique sur le terrain, dans le cadre de la formation des référents énergie en industrie PRO REFEI.

Cette formation vise à améliorer la performance énergétique industrielle, créer un réseau de référents énergie, et concrétiser la mise en place d’actions.

Ask for our training programme


The financing of energy efficiency measures is different in each country and at local level. Industrial companies need to know what options are available, how they can be combined. In many cases, an in-depth technical analysis is needed for a project to be financed.

We work with you from start to finish and independently to implement an optimal solution, in coordination with the technical and financial stakeholders:

Pre-project study

Financial package

Project set-up

Energy saving certificates (CEE)


Plan de Relance, Fond Chaleur, CEE, specific CEE, Agence de Services et de Paiement (ASP), Agence de l'Eau, regional and European aid, BPI... there are many financial aids for energy efficiency. These are opportunities to replace equipment, but the conditions for granting them can be complex and require technical and regulatory expertise

Efficiency monitoring

Thanks to an evolving monitoring system tailored to the needs of the field, regularly detect concrete energy saving actions and validate the impact of their implementation.

Lemon Energy is IPMVP qualified, a protocol recognised in France by ADEME for the measurement and verification of energy savings in buildings and industry.

We work with you to design relevant and reliable performance indicators, which you can consult via a secure platform adapted to the requirements of your IT systems:

Experts dedicated to monitoring your sites

Design of customised dashboards

Multi-site monitoring platform

Multi-year support

Validate the impact of your actions and check that your savings are lasting.

Consistency Performance Maintenance
Secure platform Checked Checked Checked
Meter data Checked
Sub-counting Checked Checked
Design of customised dashboards Checked Checked Checked
Financing Checked Checked
Support for the energy review Checked Checked
Support for the review of the action plan Checked Checked
Validation of performance commitments and recommendations Checked

Want to achieve energy consumption reduction goals ?

Contact us
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